Industrial IT & Software

Eltresis supports you with our in-depth specialist knowledge in your IT projects. From the connection to various automation systems to object-oriented and qualified IT applications. Eltresis can offer our customers first-class support for all Microsoft and Linux systems through a fast flow of information and early test versions of new software.

The basis of IIoT and Industry 4.0 consists of highly communicative, fully networked systems and stable systems that must be both scalable and high-performance.

Industrial Networks

In order to guarantee a high-security standard, industrial networks are segmented very granularly and thus often achieve a higher level of complexity than networks from the area of office IT. In addition, industrial networks have high requirements in terms of availability, robustness, and real-time data processing.

Software Development for Industrial Applications

Today, most applications need to improve or integrate into a 3rd party platform. As a solution, vendors upgrade their applications and it takes very long.  Eltresis delivers tailor-made industrial software development services for specific requirements to fulfill its customer’s needs.

OT – ICS security

Increased connectivity of Operational Technology and Industrial Control Systems (OT-ICS) has led to a dramatic rise in cyber-attacks. If not handled correctly, these attacks can have dire real-world consequences. Eltresis provides best-in-class solutions to ensure your IT & OT security.

Cloud Computing

Eltresis supports you to improve your cloud environment to achieve real business value. Eltresis IT team has expertise in the whole stack of cloud computing components and can help with everything from migrating to the cloud, modernizing your existing environment, to ensuring security and compliance.

Backup & Disaster Recovery

If failures do occur, loss of process data or a long recovery time are expensive. We, therefore, offer concepts for data and system backups and their restoration for both physical and virtual computer systems in industrial production plants.